16 May 2011

ISML 2011 Aquamarine Necklace Result!!

So, last post was talking about prediction!
Is my prediction correct or not??
What I can say is my prediction is half-correct!
What does that mean?
Before I further explain that one, let's see the picture of the Necklace Winner of this Aquamarine period!

ISML 2011 Aquamarine Necklace Winner
Misaka Mikoto

So, how is the full result?
And what do I mean by "half-correct"?

Okay, so there's some mistakes on my part to start with. It's about how the necklace winner is calculated. The necklace showdown is used to determined vote percentage. And the winner of the necklace is determined by multiplying the percentage on the showdown with that contestant SDO. And I miss that part to calculate on my last post.

My prediction on my last post is intended on the Necklace Showdown only. And yes, if it only on showdown only, my prediction is correct. I'll write down the show down winner from the most vote to less vote, start with Kanade, Mikoto, Mio, Shana, Nagato, Eucliwood, and ended with Yuri. Most of my predictions, either written or not, are correct. Kanade come out as winner have been calculated. And Yuri finished on the far back is also on my prediction (although I didn't write it down here). My other correct prediction is that Mio stand ahead Shana. Sad but that's the fact. Also about Kanade ahead of Eu, Mikoto ahead of Nagato. One that I really didn't expect is that Mikoto finished on second place. It's seem that the power of railgun is still strong this year. That's about the only thing that I miss. Seeing that result, I will make a different prediction method for the next Necklace Showdown.

But that's only for the necklace. Kanade shows some power there, but how come Mikoto stand and surpass her? That's because of the SDO! Mikoto's SDO is far ahead of the other (78), and Kanade's is the lowest (60). This difference is what slide the position of the first and second from the showdown round. In fact, they are the only one that changed position! Others are stayed on their position on the showdown.

ISML also finding the best exhibition for the period on this year. I will talk about that on the next post, which will also include the ISML seitokai.

So, Congratulation to Misaka Mikoto for the Aquamarine Necklace!! As for the new rules, she's now ineligible for any Necklace anymore.

And now we reach the end of my post!!
This is Benard reporting, see you on the next post!!


  1. Commentnya Indo aja ya :hehe:

    Wah iya bisa bahaya juga ya SDO itu, jadi klo seorang karakter yang sering dikalahkan bisa nambah gede gitu ya SDOnya?

    Gw liat di post 1 tuh SDO sistem baru ya di sini? :iii:

  2. No problem, but still I will reply in English Xp

    SDO stands for Score of Defeated Opponent.
    If A have high score and then beaten by B, then B will have a high SDO.

    SDO has been used since at least last year. But it significance is really high for this year.
