30 June 2013

Bima Satria Garuda - 01 (English Sub) - DBX-Sub First Ever Release!

So, here's the link on MediaFire
We can't support Torrent right now, so bear with it, okay?

Download [DBX-Sub]Bima Satria Garuda - 01 (480p)(V1.0).mp4
Download [DBX-Sub]Bima Satria Garuda - 01 (480p)(V2.0).mp4 -Uploaded The Wrong File. Please use V1 for a while- 
Download [DBX-Sub]Bima Satria Garuda - 01 (480p)(V3.0).mp4

TL Note: We didn't include this on the release but we thought it's worth to mention.
- 'Kak' is not restricted to siblings. It can also be used to address anyone older but without significant age gap. 'Senpai' is usually translated as 'kak'
- 'Dek' is similar to 'kak' but used to address someone younger.

Edit: V2 is here! Blame Xortimus for the late release. He messed up the encoding several times. We fix several timing problem, add Still image at the beginning, smoother ads portion, and Kara for OP and ED! 

Edit2: V2 have some unsync audio in the middle due to a mishap on encoder side and missed by QC the first time. V3 is similar with V2 on it's video and sub but has fixed the audio problem. Sorry for that.

Translator: mrbenz
Karaoke: mrbenz (V2.0)
Timer: Darchangel
Editor: Darchangel
Raw Searcher: Xortimus
Encoder: Xortimus (he only need to click several times for this. You lazy bum!)
QC: Mainly Darchangel, but all DBX will be involved.

Disclaimer: We, DBX, are by no means related to the series aside from the English sub. All rights reserved by RCTI and MNC Entertainment. Please support the official release.

12 June 2013

[E3 2013] Dead Rising 3 - "Open World Zombie Apocalypse"

Do you like zombies?
Who am I kidding? Everyone LOVE zombies! There's a reason why there are a lot of zombie-themed games, movies, and comic books out there and that reason is not Zombie is hated by people.
And I bet you love zombie too, right?
And possibly you've heard about one of those Zombie game, Dead Rising.

Dead Rising put you in the shoe of non-Zombie in the middle of area filled with zombies. You will reveal the mystery how this zombie outbreak happens. You will meet a lot of other survivors which may or may not useful for you. There are a lot of events too. There are boss battle, meeting survivors, or something that relevant to the story. But beware, all this are time strict which mean if you pass the supposed time, then you miss the event. In a lot of way this could mean 'hello, bad ending.'

And now, Dead Rising is back with Dead Rising 3. This latest installment will give you yet another new character which I can't remember the name. Dead Rising 3 will feature a huge open world area instead of a small like a mall in Dead Rising or some entertainment area in Dead Rising 2.

Say, cheese!

[E3 2013] Bayonetta 2 - "Short Hair Is Fine Too"

Several years ago, a previously unknown game developer, PlatinumGames, deliver what was the most sexy action game and launch the studio to become well known (I, for instance, has become a fan of their games). The game that I'm talking about is none other than "Bayonetta."

With a sexy action witch as the main character, Bayonetta able to become one of the best hack and slash video game in the market back then. Universal critical acclaims from critics raining down on the title praising the characters, story, battle, and the fast pace.

Short hair is fine too!
And finally, after a long wait, we able to see the trailer of the next installment of the series, "Bayonetta 2." Planned to be published by Nintendo, this game is exclusive for Wii-U. Don't hate Nintendo, please, because it was said that Nintendo is the one that offering PlatinumGames to make the sequel. Without them, there probably no "Bayonetta 2" now.

[E3 2013] The Division - "Tom Clancy Goes Online"

As an old timer in the world of video games, Tom Clancy has turn into a huge Intellectual Property (IP) spanning different number of platforms, title, and even genre. Though I doubt Tom Clancy himself still handling these games, the games still looks great and probably one of the biggest Military-themed IP out there.

With so much experience and firm ground to stand, the next installment of Tom Clancy series (other than the new Splinter Cell - Blacklist) will take it to the next level. Prepare yourself for "The Division"! This brand new title from Tom Clancy will be, like they said in the end of the demo, Online | Open World | RPG. Think of it as an MMORPG Shooter. Maybe you will frown thinking about this, but the demo looks great!

In the thickness of FPS games forest, a Third-Person Shooter is really refreshing.
The Division will use their favorite perspective which is Third-Person. This is a good choice considering the number of First Person Shooter out there starts to make me bored. The user interface using those futuristic UI seen on several other Tom Clancy titles such as Ghost Recon: Future Soldier. On the screenshot above you can see all the information you need to know ranging from remaining ammo, health, to other player status floating on the side of your character, not static on the screen like traditional UI. The menu is also in the same holographic manner. It floats around on your wrist. And when you select the menu you want to see, it will pop up in front of your character. Its not just sound cool, but it IS cool. It reminds me of the time I saw Dead Space II's inventory.

[E3 2013] Project Spark - "Let It Spark Your Imagination!"

Do you have an idea to create a game but don't know how to make it?
Do you want to play a game that you made yourself with your friend?

Remember how PS have RPG maker series that focused on creating RPG?
Or maybe LittleBigPlanet series that also on PS3?

Now, we have something bigger than those. Introducing a game where player "create" their own game at let other people play it, "Project Spark"! And by far, this is my favorite demo from day 1.
Make your own world!
Project Spark setting will be on fantasy world. Story? There's no such thing as story yet. Why? Because it's 'you', the player, that will be make the game! Said as Microsoft's answer to Sony's LittleBigPlanet, this Xbox One exclusive game give the freedom to player to create anything! Using Xbox One control mechanism such as Kinect and Smart Glass, player will be able to interact and change the world as they like.

[E3 2013] Plant vs Zombie: Garden Warfare - "Now in 3D!"

Remember a certain game several years ago that possibly bring zombies to the hand of casual gamers?
Yeah, it's 'Plant vs Zombie'!

Now in E3, they showcased a brand new Plant vs Zombie game subtitled "Garden Warfare" as a parody to "Modern Warfare" series. The title is true, however, since this game doesn't play like the original 'Plant vs Zombie.' No sir, it will not be a Tower Defense. Ah, sure, it still have a 'little' trace of tower defense, but that's it. The main game play will be like "Modern Warfare" though looks to me more like "Team Fortress 2" though (I haven't played TF2 btw).

Is this... Is this 3D??!!
 Yeah, it's nothing like the original. But I have to tell you, it's damn interesting! We play as the plants, now have the ability to walk around, to protect the house from zombies. But now, we control individual plant and play with friends to work together against the horde of undead army. We can use special weapons, which seems like other plants that not suited as player avatar, selected from the bottom right of the screen. If player press LB at the situation like above, the plant will throw a 'Chilli Bomb' which will roll for a while, and.......


11 June 2013

[E3 2013] Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain - "Tactical Espionage Redefined"

Snake is back!
And this time, prettier than ever!
Please welcome Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain!

Likes it's every predecessor since Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Konami once again push the current available technology to the limit. Who can forget the stunning graphic of Metal Gear Ray on PS2 early days. It's not for several couple years until that level of graphic can be finally surpassed. And Konami answer that with MGS3: Snake Eater. When PS3 come out, I was surprised how beautiful MGS4: Guns of The Patriot is. It's graphic still impressed me when I finally able to play it for the first time last year (no budget to play it early). This is the proof that Konami and Hideo Kojima will never disappoint us with Metal Gear Solid, at least on art, story, and innovation department. And that's the expectation we have for MGS V.

We already heard about MGS: Ground Zeroes. What happen to that? Nothing. Nothing bad happen to it. Ground Zeroes will still released and MGS V will follow probably a year or two later. Using their brand new FOX Engine, the team behind MGS V able to deliver the most stunning graphic video games history ever seen yet. If that's how the final game will be, then I will not exaggerating when I said it is, "The most realistic looking video game" to date.

I will warn you, this is the only screenshot taken from Cinematic (ie. cutscene/movie)

E3 2013 Is Here! Welcome Next Gen Game!

Hey people and fellow gamers!
We are back at the most anticipated time in the year for gamers!
Yup! None other than Electronic Entertainment Expo or E3!
It is one of the biggest gaming event in the world held every year at USA. We have dozens of developers from around the world showcasing their most current and best product and make us gamers drool over those highly anticipated games!

As a warm up, here's the article about PS4

This post will be the gateway for E3 related post on my blog. Whenever new post added, a new link will be added here. This is to make it easier for you to search for the post. I'll try put this post at the top.

Demo Gameplay
- Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
- Project Spark
- The Division
- Ryse
- Titanfall
- Dead Rising 3
- Plants vs Zombies - Garden Warfare

- Kingdom Hearts 3
- Final Fantasy XV
- Final Fantasy XIII - Lightning's Return
- Bayonetta 2

Click on title to see the post. Unclickable title means the article for that post hasn't been written yet.
The list is in random order and there is no guarantee that I will post article related to that.

This is Benz reporting, see you on the next post!!

Sony Finally Reveals Playstation 4! And Gosh, It's Pretty!

Like every other year, this year E3 is not short of great news and games. The most anticipated news is of course Sony's PS4! It was announced on February but we haven't seen it yet, have we? Using this huge event as the stage, Sony finally step up and give us the look of their Next Generation Video Game Console.

Black and a lot of doff. Pretty!!

10 June 2013

A Cardcaptor Sakura Remake?! For Real??!!

So I got this news from my friends.
Not really sure whether this is true or not though.
But hey! They have a magazine photo!

Oh God! Syaoran and Sakura in wedding dress!! I APPROVE THIS!!

07 June 2013

Real Life Terminator Is Nothing Like Arnold - Unless You Think Arnold Is Moe

Yeaaaaahhhh.... The title is creeping me out a bit...

I was chatting with several guys and gals on a certain Internet Radio that I frequent when suddenly I stumble across a topic that really intrigue me.
A Smart Doll.
It's a doll but it's SMART!!
Well, I don't think it will be smart enough to do your homework though.

Although a doll can cover a whole bunch of doll types out there, I'm quite sure the one that we will talk about is about a certain Doll that was both expensive and popular lately.

Millhiore F. Biscotti - My favorite dollfie

Yup! Most possibly they are talking about THAT kind of doll. Not some other creepy one.

NO!! Definitely not THAT one!!
Yeaa... That's creepy...
Especially when we're realizing that the Smart Doll here is a doll that can move and interactive!
Imagine if a cute little Millhi-chan greet you up when you are wake up in the morning...
Now imagine that very scene, but instead of Millhi, there's Chucky instead...
That's what a dictionary definition of scary...