12 July 2012

News From AFA ID - Anime Festival Asia 2012!!

Hi, guys!
Long time no see. I've been busy with my works and some other things *cough*peacewalker*cough*
I also have less time to put some ISML news here.
And if you didn't know, my HDD is dead :|
A lot of data were gone (but seems salvageable). Thanks God my Anime and manga collections are on external HDD.

Ever heard of AFA?
If you are not from Asia (especially, South East Asia. To be precise, Singapore) then you probably never heard of it. Hell, even I, a being from Indonesia (just several inch from Singapore) hadn't heard about this until couple of months ago.
AFA stands for Anime Festival Asia. Difference from your common local Anime Event, AFA hosted by pro and even invited original Japanese stars! Yep, it's the real deal, no knock-off star here. It was first hosted in Singapore and starting this year, AFA expand it's wings toward Malaysia and Indonesia. You read it right, IN-DO-NE-SIA!!