Well, udah beberapa kali gw mempertanyakan ini ke diri gw sendiri. Enaknya nih blog pake bahasa Inggris ato Indonesia yah?? Blog ini kan bisa diliat sama semua orang, termasuk orang luar negeri. Trus, klo pake Inggris, kan jadi keliatan keren nih blog. Tul ga?
Wah, sayangnya gw masih ada beberapa alasan yg bikin gw bertahan di Indonesia, meskipun soal kemampuan sih gak ada masalah. Kadang2 temen2 gw suka males baca kalo bahasa Inggris, padahal blog gw sifatnya kan personal gitu, yg baca ya temen2 gw semua. Trus, kadang2 nyari kata yg pas tuh susah banget deh. Tapi itu juga sih asyiknya.
Tadi gw baru ngeliat blog anak Indonesia 15an yg pake bahasa Inggris. Langsung deh, sifat gak mau kalah gw keluar sampe ubun2. Jadi bener2 pengen nulis blog pake bahasa Inggris nih! Jadi gimana yah enaknya? Indonesia ato Inggris? Mohon bimbingannya ya teman2! Tolong bantuin gw milih bahasa! Untuk awalnya, kita buat bilingual aja dulu yah ^^
Well, there are several times that I've been asking this to myself. Will I use English or Indonesian for this blog? All people can see this blog, including foreign people. Furthermore, if I use English this blog will looks cooler, right?
Sadly, There are some reasons that make me stay to use Indonesian, though I have no problem with my English. Sometimes my friends reluctant to read if I use English, and this blog is kinda personal, so my friends is my frequent reader. Also, I often find it hard to find appropriate words to use. But, that also where the fun lay.
Just now I saw this blog by 15 years old Indonesian girl that use English. At that exact time, my don't-want-to-lose personality surfaced to it's max. That's really make me to write this blog in English! So, what should I do then? Indonesian or English? I ask for your guidance guys! Help me to choose the language to use! For the starter, let's write this on bilingual.
P.S. : There are also some occasion that I couldn't tell things the way it should be when I use English.
campur2 ajah ber hahah xD gw jg binun td na tp mo pake ing gw jg bingung mo tulis apa, pake indo ajah bingung ahahahaha
ReplyDeleteNtu mah emang u yg gampang bingung!!
ReplyDeleteKlo gw kan bingungnya secara profesional xp