16 May 2013


I know Kyonko is not something new.
I know Kyonko has been around for years.
I know Kyonko since a long time ago.
I know Kyonko is moe since the first time I saw her.
But now is the moment that I'm head over heels at her (9>w< )9
No... Wait!! That emoticon is just too cute for me! Who am I? Darcangel? She's the only one on DBX using those kind of emoticon on ALMOST all of her sentences and I'm not her!
I'm the 'B' on DBX not the 'D'!

*cough* anyway!
You knows about Kyonko, right?
The female Gen-Bend version of Kyon from Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu.

This is Kyon:

"People love my female version more than me" *facepalm

And This is Kyonko:

13 May 2013

Hello, Hello, Hello~!

Long time no-post...
Like usual orz

Anyway, the hell with all those long time without meaningful post.
It's just happen I didn't do anything meaningful...

*cough* Okay, since I already get a new phone (YAY!) means there will be more photo for my blog, right? Nope. Not sure... First of all, almost all the things that I reviewed here don't need to be photographed first hand. Let see, animes, movies, games, music... Do you want me to take a picture of those while in fact I could easily take a screenshot and present you a better quality pic?? See!

And second, I love writing, I love posting witty remark about things, I hate taking my time to take a shot of something that interest me. Well, that's until I realize taking photo of my Manga Session is really fun! I take pictures of some interesting scene from a manga I read and post it shamelessly to Facebook. Yes, I'm become one of those ass who post a lot of photo to facebook. Go ahead. Kill me! Kill me I said!!

This is what I called as Manga Session. Whoo! I'm become one of those ass!
No, I'm just kidding. Please don't kill me.

If you are curious (and I don't see for any reason why) my phone is Lenovo S560. I know it's not your usual high-end phone you guys carrying around. Hey, I don't have that much money, you know! Especially because no one ever click one of my ad sense! (to be fair, there wasn't a lot of people visiting my blog either, so... ¯\(ยบ_o)/¯ (oh look! I'm using a cute emoticon!))

And no, I don't have any photo of it.
Okay, okay!

Here you go

I've tried but I couldn't make my phone stands like that
Yeah, I couldn't give you the Actual photo since my camera is happen to be also my phone.
Though I guess a mirror could do the trick, but no.
That's a big, big, no.

Ah, in another note, I started a new blog.
Well, I start it since Last August and just happens to neglect it like usual.
If you are not Indonesian, I guess it's little to no importance to you since it's written in Indonesian and discussing about manga that's published here.
But if you are curious, the sites is on http://komik-scale.blogspot.com/
(EDIT: I forgot to make the link click-able orz)
I'm trying, no, struggling to add new post, but hey, I'll be there eventually.

So, all in all, I think I've talk here much more than yesterday, eh?

This is Benz reporting, see you on the next post!!