27 March 2011

Again... Another Hiatus....

Another looooonnnnnnggggg time no post!!

Quick recap :
1. I've finished Dead Space 2
2. I'm kinda tired of Marvel vs Capcom 3 (no online play for me =.=)
3. I still haven't watch any new anime
4. Right now focusing on my PSP
5. Trying to get my short story published, yet haven't started to write yet
6. Kinda fed up with my routines =.=a
7. Oh, almost forget. I've done one cosplay session on my campus. Hate my wig though...

And that's all for today!!

Reader : "What?! That's all???!!! After our long waiting, and that's all you have to say?"
Me : "Just live with it. Besides, I don't think there are any reader that really eager to read my blog anyway..."

This is Benard reporting, see you on the next post!! AAAAAANNNNNNNNNDDDDDD CUT!!!!!!

01 March 2011

So, The Exam is Over! Now What??

Hello again!!
Sorry with lack of report lately. Kinda lazy to type XD
Anyway, maybe some of you curious about my exam, since I never post any report about the last 4 exams. All in all, everything went well, though there were times when me and my friends keep swearing on the question's creator. But nevertheless, I get a good result. One final score hasn't out yet, but judging from the score of Mid-semester exam and Final Exam it supposed to be good also.

Too bad the event on my first semester here happens again. Feels like history repeating itself. What happen is one of the subject's final score is 84 (while the minimum requirement for an 'A' is 85). It's hurt my GPA, moreover hurting me also. Somehow I feel that getting 80 will be better than 84. Well, maybe you need to feel it by yourself to know how does it feel. But then again, I must be glad with this number, since I miss a lot of tasks from the lecturer, yet still get the same with around 75% others (yes, a lot of people get 84 on this very subject with this certain lecturer).