If you remember my last post, I was ready to go to Lampung.
Well, obviously, I'm back now! And I'm back not with empty hands, but with something to tell (and something to eat if you lucky enough to be a friend that I remember. For others, sorry but I don't have enough hands and money to bought more)
So, you must be questioning what happens in Lampung, am I right?
Well, let me tell you the story from what I'd like to call the beginning...
We started our journey on Monday (last Monday, not this Monday) with a travel agency using a somewhat comfortable L-300. Curious what L300 is? Please search it using google images. And before you asking, no, we were not going to Lampung on a notebook (Search the google then you'll know what I mean). The L300(I'll be using the word "car" from now on) has 3 row seat and quite comfortable. And it's different from the L300 which Binus have(or maybe they have more than 1 kind?).
So, we started our so called journey. We arrived on the port (idk which port, I'm not a map) past midnight. I'm not sure what time it was but it's absolutely past midnight. We were waiting for a ferry to cross the Sunda Strait. It's my first time to ride on a floating pile of iron, so it's quite exciting, especially on how the cars can get in(childish? I don't care what you say ;p). I was planning to look at the stars above, but the dark-black-clouds were on the way. I can't see much, no, I can't see any stars! I thought it can be a romantic night (well, nothing romantic AT ALL if you're sailing with all-guy team >.<)
Well, so we went to the 2nd class room (if you're curious, there were no 1st class room) and decided to play scrabble there while waiting for this pile of iron get across. We played there for training. And I also found out the reason why people get seasick. It's rocking here and there and makes me dizzy.
Because of scrabbling(my word to say playing scrabble. Get used to it :D), we didn't feel how fast the time go. All I know was that suddenly we arrived. Time surely gone by fast if we enjoying our time. When we got back to the car, I went asleep again(What can I say? It's still 3.30 in the morning!)
I woke up when we arrived on our planned hotel to stay. One thing that delighted me and catch my eyes when we first walked to the entrance of the hotel was a banner. The banner said that, in a simple way, "We have a wifi connection in this hotel, you internet maniac! And you can use it without thinking about how nuch money you will spent on it. It's free!!!"
Well, it's not quite simple but I think you all get my point. We went in and realize that the room that we wanted is full booked. And we decided to try another hotel (thanks God there are rows of hotel on this street) with me saying goodbye to the wifi connection. Then we went to the next hotel and I find out that all hotel on that street have wifi connection! Don't blame me, I haven't been to any hotel since long, so I didn't know that Wifi is a standard among hotels.
After we got into our room, the first thing I do (besides feel the softness of the bed) was go online! I took out my beloved Lappie and turn on my wifi. Guess what?! I was not that isolated from the internet world (Wew, I'm started to sound like a hikikomori guy). The first thing I did is change my Facebook status and check on my thread on IDWS. It's great that I still can vote for ISML there.
Then we go for lunch and bla bla bla(I can't remembur much the details). Let we skip this to the first day of Competition on Wednesday, shall we?
So on Wednesday we were told to come at Eight. They said we shouldn't be late because the Mayor of Lampung is coming to the opening ceremony. Then with the respect to the Mayor and for the commitee who held this, we come at eight. When we got there, there were only a bunch of people who already come(aside from the commitee). Then we sit and wait. Around nine o'clock the participant already swarming the hall. Then we sit and wait again. The Mayor sure took his time very well, because he managed to show up on 11 o'clock. Wew, Indonesian people and lateness. Somehow it can't be seperated, especially for people goverment guys (no offense). When he finally show up(and I manage to get another good sleep while waiting him), the ceremony (at last) started.
Then we went to another building to start our match. That day we only went through preliminary, thanks partly to the mayor. We only got three match and unluckily(this is not a typo) me and Handi met a strong opponent on the second match, which is UNILA. We must admit a defeat on this one. Thanks God it's not a knock out round yet. Then on the third match, we faced with unknown opponent. Why we call it unknown? Well, because we haven't seen their face yet until now. In other word, they didn't come so we won by WO.
On the next day, which is the final day, we arrived at 9 o'clock. There were no more delay today, the reason is that Mayor only come once. If he did come and dare to come late, I will run away and find an elephant to crush his car. Ehem, so we started the octofinal. Our first match was a victory because of, again, WO. Damn, when will I get a proper match? The third match was with UNILA again (The second match were done well). My tiles were really bad and I couldn't get a good score. I consider that as my worst game of my life so far. What can I say? I only managed to score 69!! WTF!! I still can't believe it.
We still managed to go to the quarter Final. Edo and Albert did well on SMA 5 Lampung and managed to get to quarter final with our desired scenario. OB and Julius.... Well, they two are Godlike, so you maybe can tell how they did so I'll skip them. Then on the Quarter Final, me and Handy faced with unknown group. Not because we won by WO again, but because we haven't heard about them. We were told that our road to final will be an easy road. And so we thought. But, somehow, the curse of the black tiles come back again and strike us. Both of us get a bad tiles and couldn't score much which led to a defeat. And it not only happen once. On Quarter Final, we need to win againts the same opponent twice. Sadly, that's what our opponent did to us. We got another bad tiles and you know the rest.
We're out from the game with OB-Julius and Edo-Albert manage to go up and steal 1st and 3rd place (which prize really makes me envy them). Then at that night we return to Jakarta via the same travel. We arrived at Jakarta around 7 o'clock in the morning. I asked to be dropped on My Home Sweet Home. And when I arrived the first thing I do is to get another good sleep....
Oyasumi Nasai Minna-san...
This is Benard Reporting, see you on the next post!!
Aaaaaaannnndddd CUT!!