It's been quite a while since my last post. Somehow I lost some desire to write this month. Thankfully, lately I've been driven to start writing again.
Actually, I was planning to join some Short Story Competition this month. The deadline is on 27 of March. Somehow, even though I already got a good story, I was reluctant to write it. And what happen after that? Here I am, one day before deadline, without anything to send. Not even a word has been written.
This also happened to my Afterlife. I already write some when somehow I started to stop writing. Well, I've been start this afterlife for quite a few month, but I only managed to write 5 chapters so far. This is far beyond my plan...
Well, that's over now, I hope. By writing this post, it's already a proof that my passion on writing has come back at last. My plan for now is to constantly posting here and working on my Afterlife as quick as I can. Hmm... I think I gonna drop my vote system on my Afterlife. It hold me to write faster...
Aside from that, there's something definitely changing inside me. I don't know what but I can feel it. I think it started around this week. From what I observe, the most important thing that change is my way of seeing girls around me has change. Well, not to the negative way(I know what some of you thinking), but to a different way. I can't describe it well, but I know there's something wrong change. It seems I become more brave around them. Where did this courage came from?
Another important thing that change is my adaptive skill. I think it has improved somehow. I become more adaptive around some new environment and atmosphere. I think it has some connection with courage that I was talking about. Well, at least I change into a better man, right?
My way of thinking is also change. For this way I should give credit to "3 Idiots". It's a great movie that change my way of thinking (I'll tell you about the movie latter). What change inside me is not really the same with what that movie give. Errr, I can't explained it well. Anyway, I think my dedication around various things has improved now. And right now I'm trying to write more, watch more, draw more, study more, and read more. It's only a plan right now, but I think if I write it down here, I'll be feel more responsible with the outcome.
Well, I've said all I want to said. It's quite long, but bear with it ;)
So, from now on, you can expect many updates from me. Whether it about me, movie review, anime review, game review, afterlife, drawing, anything!!!!!! Ehem, I'll try hard to keep this blog moving on and on. Even when no one read it.
This is Benard speaking, see you on the next post!